Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Images at A2Sea Photography!

I am happy to say that A2Sea Photography has added some funky, zesty, contemporary images for the not-so-timid of heart! Come visit us and feast your eyes on our new section called 'A Little Bizarre', and let us know what you think!

I tend to prefer the term, 'PhotoArt' to 'Photography' because I am more drawn to the computer graphics side of the art. As a child, I played with Tinker Toys and crayons and now, I play with photo software. I have very basic and limited software because I get too bogged down and intimidated trying to learn Photoshop. But I still manage to achieve some neat effects with the limited resources I possess. And I have fun.

I have somewhat neglected my photography since starting A2Sea Creations but I am making some time for it again and, now that the weather is gorgeous (finally), I will soon be back at the ocean taking more shots of our beautiful island. I just found a new rechargeable camera battery online (really inexpensive) so as soon as it arrives I will be out and about for a massive photo shoot! Yay!

Have a great day everyone and be sure to find your passion... and your fun. Sometimes, as adults, we neglect that part of ourselves in our daily struggles. What a shame. Life is short.

A2Sea Photography

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