Tuesday, February 9, 2010



A 32 Page Coffee Table Book by Vancouver Island Photographer, Micki Findlay

What a great journey this has all been for me. I had certain goals I wanted to achieve this year and having a book out was one of them. So to my surprise and amazement, I actually stayed focused long enough to stick to it and get it done. Now comes the time-consuming task of getting the word out wherever I can. Over the past few years, I have picked up all kinds of tips on how to do just that and I find I am on a constant learning curve. But I so enjoy the challenge and the great feeling of accomplishment I receive at the end of the day when I have attacked yet another goal, gotten over a hurdle and landed on the other side.

Everyone's 'Bucket List' is unique. But it is my opinion that everyone needs one. I think sometimes we get caught up in the mundane chores of everyday life and forget to dream. Sometimes we are simply too tired to go there. But I believe that no matter how hectic our lives are, if we have a dream, we need to find a way to inch towards it. I know what you're probably thinking... right... it's easy for her... she doesn't have a nine to five she has to go to every day. Her children are all grown up and she has the luxury of being able to stay home. You are so right. There is not a day goes by that I do not count my many blessings. I do manage to keep myself quite busy between Cheryl and my online gift shop, volunteering at the gallery and my singing telegrams. However, I do the bulk of the work from home. Anyhow, I digress. The point I am trying to make is, even if you do have a nine to fiver, a family and various responsibilities that tend to take up all your time and energy,
(been there) don't lose sight of your dream in the midst of it all. Perhaps your goal list will need to be written in smaller increments over a longer duration of time. Or perhaps you need to find ways to be creative in fitting in your personal goals. You either have to suck the life out of life or it will suck the life out of you.

I read somewhere of a young man whose dream was to be a dancer. His nine to fiver was a parking lot toll booth operator. But he would not let his job deter him from his ultimate goal. So in-between cars, he would play music and practice his dance moves in his tiny cubicle! He had found a creative way to keep his dream alive. I do not know the end of that story but, irregardless of whether he went on to be a dancer, think of how much more fun work must have been for him because he dared to dream and not 'settle' for what he 'had to do' opposed to what he 'dreamed' of doing! Plus he would have had the wonderful feeling of accomplishment whenever he stepped foot on a dance floor.

I want to say thanks to all my family and friends who continue to support, encourage and believe in me. It is easy to soar when you have wings of love .

I am looking forward to another book on the horizon. It will be quite different from this one and... well... I won't let the cat out of the bag just yet. Have a great day everyone and don't forget to dream!

(Special thanks goes to my hubby David for his immense patience and belief in me, and also to my son Matt at Inerseshen Creative Media for all of the awesome things he has designed for me!)

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